Georgia Music Teachers Association's "Chapter of the Year" for 2022-2023!
Session Descriptions -
The Physicality of Collaboration
SMTA's 2024 Art of Collaboration Workshop

Session I
The Musical Body: Gesture, Breath, and Sight
Our opening session presents an overview of how to use three capabilities of our bodies - gesture, breath, and sight - to achieve excellent musical collaboration. It includes a discussion of how these capabilities are used similarly and differently between instrumental/vocal families. Expect audience participation and experimentation!
We are recruiting volunteers to receive mini coachings during this session! You can indicate your interest on the registration form.
Session II
Gesture, Breath, and Sight in Action!
This session will feature a performance by our three clinicians! After demonstrating good collaborative practices using gesture, breath, and sight, our clinicians will lead a roundtable discussion with our participants to build on the principles highlighted in Session I.

pc: Rudyanto Wijaya
Session III
Spotlight on Cueing
This session explores how gesture, breath, and sight form the basis of one of the most important skills in collaborative performance: cueing! We will workshop the many musical messages cueing can convey -- from moment of attack, to tempo, to character.
We are recruiting volunteers to receive mini coachings during this session! You can indicate your interest on the registration form.
Session IV
Masterclass: Public Collaborative Coachings
Watch and learn as our experienced clinicians coach selected masterclass participants through collaborative performances, with a focus on skillful use of gesture, breath, and sight. The best way to learn a skill is to do it -- we highly recommend applying for one of our masterclass participant openings!